PSO Guides

Online README for PSO PC This README is the current HTML version of the README for my PSO PC Torrent.

Text README for PSO DC (USv1) This is the plain text README for my auto-connect USv1 edition of PSO DC.

Text README for PSO DC (USv2 r2) This is the plain text README for my second auto-connect USv2 edition of PSO DC.

Text README for PSO DC (USv2 r2 EP) This is the plain text README for my second auto-connect USv2 EP edition of PSO DC.

Dreamcast DiscJuggler Burning This is my guide for how to burn Dreamcast disc images using DiscJuggler 4.

PSO PC Graphical Enhancement This guide will show you how to improve the graphics in PSO PC by setting special options in the driver for your graphics card.

GCRebuilder Tutorial This guide will show you how to use GCRebuilder to modify your ISO of PSO GC.