PSO Versions

There are three versions of PSO that this site covers, and all are pretty much the same thing. The first game is Phantasy Star Online, which is generally referred to as version 1, ver.1, or v1. It was the first PSO game, released only on the Sega Dreamcast. The second game is Phantasy Star Online ver.2. Version 2 is not a new game, but a refinement of what ver.1 had to offer. The last game is Phantasy Star Online for the PC. PC PSO is almost a direct port of PSO ver.2 onto the PC, however it has a few additions. This section details the changes made in ver.2 from ver.1, and from ver.2 to PC.

Changes from Version 1 to Version 2


Glitches Fixed

Glitches Added


Ver.2 to PC


Glitches Fixed

Glitches Added

This section may be updated, as I think of more differences between the versions.